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Mother of eight love them all grandmother to 21 adore all of them.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

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craft time with my grandkids

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Hello to you all, I hope you liked my lovely baby cards, thanks Fiona for the tutorial it was great. I was a bit ahead of myself and the photos were gone in before I had time to think ,I am going to post cards I made for Sorcha age 6 and Alex age 20. Both b/days in August (grandchildren). I wont be here for the b/days so I will send them from Americia.
Hello to all we met at the coffee mornin last Friday the highlight of the Month,muffins and passion pie to die for.big laughs and serious chats thats what it is all about. The Golden girls love it.Eileen Sheila and Mary.Kerry is BACK she has loads of new stuff and we had a mini demo on spirilli -great stuff.
The challenge to make something for a small person was on- the items were fab but Caty M, stole the show with her travel game display it was amazing.
Talk soon

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hi friends I hope you like my wedding card for the happy couple ,wedding tomorrow, ahhhhhhhh
what I am I doing on blogging at the last few hours.
I am on cop out and blank it all.
The grandchildren made the two banners I am so proud of them,
That all for now,not sure if I will have time to do any more for a few weeks as I have to get ready for my trip, yipeeeeeee